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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen this Summer

I was standing outside of a bar in New York a few nights ago with a few of my guy friends and needless to say we were all pretty intoxicated, and when I get intoxicated I like to people watch. I try to be nonchalant about it but most of the time I fail miserably, and this was another one of those moments. A girl was standing to the right of me and she was by far the tannest human I had ever seen in my life.

Growing up in NY is helpful for many reasons, one of them being the ability to distinguish a person who is naturally dark, from someone who is not. 99% of the time those people who are not are what you would call a "guido". Poop brown complexion with a dash of sunspots, midnight black hair, hair gel, A/X sunglasses, tight clothes, fat coming out of the tight clothes, hair gel, and lets not forget poop brown complexion. So this is reason number one why you SHOULD be wearing sunscreen. You don't want to be a freak show at the bar.

More than a million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. That is 1 in 300 people! 69,000 of these cases are found to be deadly melanoma. The two other forms of skin cancer are squamous and basal cell and basal cell can be life threatening if not caught and treated early. We all love our sunshine because it makes us "happy"... but it can turn around and burn you in the ass and end up your worst enemy when it comes to not protecting your skin.

Wearing SPF is so important!! SPF protects you from harmful UV exposure and trust me, if you lather some SPF 30 on whenever you are in the sun, you will still get a tan! The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends the average person should apply about a shot glass full of sunscreen. (Really not that much). But no SPF completely blocks UV rays so make sure to re-apply. Remember: More Sun=More Damage=More Wrinkles=That Sucks.

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